Step 8. Deploying OpenStack from RallyΒΆ

Along with supporting already existing OpenStack deployments, Rally itself can deploy OpenStack automatically by using one of its deployment engines. Take a look at other deployment configuration file samples. For example, devstack-in-existing-servers.json is a deployment configuration file that tells Rally to deploy OpenStack with Devstack on the existing servers with given credentials:

    "type": "DevstackEngine",
    "provider": {
        "type": "ExistingServers",
        "credentials": [{"user": "root", "host": ""}]

You can try to deploy OpenStack in your Virtual Machine using this script. Edit the configuration file with your IP address/user name and run, as usual:

$ rally deployment create --file=samples/deployments/devstack-in-existing-servers.json --name=new-devstack
|            uuid           |         created_at         |     name     |      status      |
|     <Deployment UUID>     | 2015-01-10 22:00:28.270941 | new-devstack | deploy->finished |
Using deployment : <Deployment UUID>